Lots of other minor tweaks that improve the overall user experience. A 500 Internal Server error means that the website you were trying to connect to has experienced a problem and can't provide a more specific error code.

Pagico is running a limited-time offer where everyone can get 10 off, making the upgrade price only 15, and new licenses only 40. Fixed an issue where the front-end search engine index may only include the first 500.
Fixed an issue where Pagico on Windows may run into Application Errors when the Windows 10 Creators Update is installed. Team leaders and members should check out Pagico for Teams. Pagico 8.7 r2162 is a maintenance update that brings bug fixes and improved compatibility, and is a free update to all v8 users. A free trial of the app is available via the official Pagico website. The new container templates can be exported and imported, and can also be shared in teams. Existing users can upgrade to Pagico 8.7 for 25. The year view also extend to 18 months, giving you a bigger scope when making long-term plans. The timeline is now minimalist in style, so you get to see your workload in more clarity than before. The improved sync also eliminates a substantial number of wasted cycles too! The end result is that most sync cycles now finish under 2 seconds, a 6X improvement over version 9. The sync algorithm has been further improved. All UI operations complete instantly, so your Pagico experience is smoother than ever. Pagico 10 employs a completely rewritten frontend data engine, making everyday interactions substantially faster than version 9.